creates a specification of a recipe step that will convert a
variable into multiple variables containing the term
frequency-inverse document frequency of tokens.
role = "predictor",
trained = FALSE,
columns = NULL,
vocabulary = NULL,
res = NULL,
smooth_idf = TRUE,
norm = "l1",
sublinear_tf = FALSE,
prefix = "tfidf",
sparse = "auto",
keep_original_cols = FALSE,
skip = FALSE,
id = rand_id("tfidf")
- recipe
A recipes::recipe object. The step will be added to the sequence of operations for this recipe.
- ...
One or more selector functions to choose which variables are affected by the step. See
for more details.- role
For model terms created by this step, what analysis role should they be assigned?. By default, the function assumes that the new columns created by the original variables will be used as predictors in a model.
- trained
A logical to indicate if the quantities for preprocessing have been estimated.
- columns
A character string of variable names that will be populated (eventually) by the
argument. This isNULL
until the step is trained byrecipes::prep.recipe()
.- vocabulary
A character vector of strings to be considered.
- res
The words that will be used to calculate the term frequency will be stored here once this preprocessing step has be trained by
.- smooth_idf
TRUE smooth IDF weights by adding one to document frequencies, as if an extra document was seen containing every term in the collection exactly once. This prevents division by zero.
- norm
A character, defines the type of normalization to apply to term vectors. "l1" by default, i.e., scale by the number of words in the document. Must be one of c("l1", "l2", "none").
- sublinear_tf
A logical, apply sublinear term-frequency scaling, i.e., replace the term frequency with 1 + log(TF). Defaults to FALSE.
- prefix
A character string that will be the prefix to the resulting new variables. See notes below.
- sparse
A single string. Should the columns produced be sparse vectors. Can take the values
, and"auto"
. Ifsparse = "auto"
then workflows can determine the best option. Defaults to"auto"
.- keep_original_cols
A logical to keep the original variables in the output. Defaults to
.- skip
A logical. Should the step be skipped when the recipe is baked by
? While all operations are baked whenrecipes::prep.recipe()
is run, some operations may not be able to be conducted on new data (e.g. processing the outcome variable(s)). Care should be taken when usingskip = FALSE
.- id
A character string that is unique to this step to identify it.
An updated version of recipe
with the new step added
to the sequence of existing steps (if any).
It is strongly advised to use step_tokenfilter before using step_tfidf to limit the number of variables created; otherwise you may run into memory issues. A good strategy is to start with a low token count and increase depending on how much RAM you want to use.
Term frequency-inverse document frequency is the product of two statistics: the term frequency (TF) and the inverse document frequency (IDF).
Term frequency measures how many times each token appears in each observation.
Inverse document frequency is a measure of how informative a word is, e.g., how common or rare the word is across all the observations. If a word appears in all the observations it might not give that much insight, but if it only appears in some it might help differentiate between observations.
The IDF is defined as follows: idf = log(1 + (# documents in the corpus) / (# documents where the term appears))
The new components will have names that begin with prefix
, then
the name of the variable, followed by the tokens all separated by
. The variable names are padded with zeros. For example if
prefix = "hash"
, and if num_terms < 10
, their names will be
- hash9
. If num_terms = 101
, their names will be
- hash101
When you tidy()
this step, a tibble is returned with
columns terms
, token
, weight
, and id
- terms
character, the selectors or variables selected
- token
character, name of token
- weight
numeric, the calculated IDF weight
- id
character, id of this step
Sparse data
This step produces sparse columns if sparse = "yes"
is being set. The
default value "auto"
won't trigger production fo sparse columns if a recipe
is recipes::prep()
ed, but allows for a workflow to toggle to "yes"
depending on whether the model supports recipes::sparse_data and if
the model is is expected to run faster with the data.
The mechanism for determining how much sparsity is produced isn't perfect,
and there will be times when you want to manually overwrite by setting
sparse = "yes"
or sparse = "no"
See also
to turn characters into tokens
Other Steps for Numeric Variables From Tokens:
# \donttest{
tate_rec <- recipe(~., data = tate_text) %>%
step_tokenize(medium) %>%
tate_obj <- tate_rec %>%
bake(tate_obj, tate_text)
#> # A tibble: 4,284 × 956
#> id artist title year tfidf_medium_1 tfidf_medium_10
#> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 21926 Absalon Prop… 1990 0 0
#> 2 20472 Auerbach, Frank Mich… 1990 0 0
#> 3 20474 Auerbach, Frank Geof… 1990 0 0
#> 4 20473 Auerbach, Frank Jake 1990 0 0
#> 5 20513 Auerbach, Frank To t… 1990 0 0
#> 6 21389 Ayres, OBE Gillian Phaë… 1990 0 0
#> 7 121187 Barlow, Phyllida Unti… 1990 0 0
#> 8 19455 Baselitz, Georg Gree… 1990 0 0
#> 9 20938 Beattie, Basil Pres… 1990 0 0
#> 10 105941 Beuys, Joseph Jose… 1990 0 0
#> # ℹ 4,274 more rows
#> # ℹ 950 more variables: tfidf_medium_100 <dbl>, tfidf_medium_11 <dbl>,
#> # tfidf_medium_12 <dbl>, tfidf_medium_13 <dbl>,
#> # tfidf_medium_133 <dbl>, tfidf_medium_14 <dbl>,
#> # tfidf_medium_15 <dbl>, tfidf_medium_151 <dbl>,
#> # tfidf_medium_16 <dbl>, tfidf_medium_160 <dbl>,
#> # tfidf_medium_16mm <dbl>, tfidf_medium_18 <dbl>, …
tidy(tate_rec, number = 2)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> terms token weight id
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 medium NA NA tfidf_A8CNy
tidy(tate_obj, number = 2)
#> # A tibble: 952 × 4
#> terms token weight id
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 medium 1 7.26 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 2 medium 10 7.26 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 3 medium 100 7.26 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 4 medium 11 7.67 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 5 medium 12 7.67 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 6 medium 13 8.36 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 7 medium 133 8.36 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 8 medium 14 6.75 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 9 medium 15 6.57 tfidf_A8CNy
#> 10 medium 151 8.36 tfidf_A8CNy
#> # ℹ 942 more rows
# }